Monday, January 28, 2019

A Single Dove

Peace Of Man

Greet each man with words of love
and peace
And a dove will be placed
on an olive tree.
Leave a man with feelings of betrayal
or envy
And a dove gets shot off the olive tree.
Greet each man with peace
And leave each man with love.
Ask yourself...
One more enemy?
Or one more dove?
Always choose love.
It's time for everybody to
Speak love.
Let's fill the trees with doves
And spread the leaves of love.
Always add
And never subtract
Another peace of man
From the olive tree.

~Suzy Kassem
Rise Up And Salute The Sun: The Writings Of Suzy Kassem 

I didn't do much new photography this week, in fact last Sunday, during the storm, was the last significant bit of photography I was able to do. Fortunately, from that one day, I got a chance to cover a lot of my favorite subjects, so I decided to not push my body to do too much. BuT yesterday, I heard a lovely sound of a dove in the yard, and I just had to take it's photo! It was perched, all by itself, high up in my next-door neighbors tree. The sun was hitting it just right, to give it a lovely glow. I am really beginning to love these birds! I already have an Eurasian Collared Dove in my file, but it was fine, they are so pretty, I can't imagine not photographing them every time I get the opportunity to do so.

~Mood: Happy

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