Herring Gull
November 19th, 2008
Golden Gate Bridge
San Francisco, California
The autumn comes, a maiden fair
In slenderness and grace,
With nodding rice-stems in her hair
And lilies in her face.
In flowers of grasses she is clad;
And as she moves along,
Birds greet her with their cooing glad
Like bracelets' tinkling song.
I was tidying up some folders of my photography for 2018, when I came across a folder from November of 2008, which had somehow been misplaced. Inside were a group of photos I did near the Golden Gate Bridge, on a crisp autumn morning. The air was delicious that day! You could see forever, and forever was absolutely beautiful! I photographed this curious fellow that day, but I don't remember posting him on this blog before, so I thought it would be nice to give him, or her, a little recognition. It's a pretty bird, isn't it? I am glad I found it, now I can add one more beauty to my Birds folder on Flickr.
#16 Leaf of The Day
October 7th, 2018
Ione, California
~Mood: Happy
~Me :)
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