Monday, December 18, 2017

Art About Town: Sacramento (Untitled) Dart Golden 1 Center

By Gale Hart
Sacramento, California
December 11th, 2016

"It is good to love many things, for the therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is well done."

~Vincent Van Gogh

Sacramento has an amazing amount of public art. I don't know why I don't get up there more often, but I am going to try to explore around the capitol in 2018. I know, I know, I have said that before, and then I get bogged down with other things, and I allow the depression to dictate what I do, but I love public art, and the truth is, San Francisco is a lot for me. The drive, the time it takes to get there... it's a lot for someone with Fibromyalgia. Sometimes the pain is more than I can take, and then I am flat on my back for several days. Usually it's worth it, just to be back in my favorite neighborhoods, and at my favorite places around the city that makes me so happy, but this past year, well, it has become apparent that I need to explore the beauty closer to my new home.

I think I have to make myself accept the fact, that I don't live in the Bay Area anymore, and I need to enjoy Sacramento for all the fun it offers, the comedy clubs, the bookstores, the Gold Rush history, the train museum, not to mention, the amazing public art, that makes me so damn happy! I took this photo last year, and this is my first time posting it. I am kinda glad I held onto it, because today, I came across it, while looking through my archives, and for some reason, I saw it through different eyes, than when I first photographed it. I had a new attitude I suppose! Life out here in the valley isn't so bad. It's not San Francisco, but it's got it's own charm, and I need to make friends with it!

Today's Leaf As Seen From Two Different Perspectives...

#18 Leaf Of The Day
December 18th 2017
Stockton, California

Mood: Happy
~Me :)

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