Sunday, October 29, 2017

The Artist

  "The artist is the receptacle for the emotions that come from all over the place: from the sky, from the earth, from a scrap of paper a from a passing shape, spider's web."

~Pablo Picasso

Beautiful, isn't it? I am terrified of spiders, but that has never prevented me from admiring their architecture, or their tenacity to build and rebuild their lives, when someone, or something, knocks their world out from underneath them! It's instinctual for them, but it is probably difficult nonetheless, to deal with their occasional adversity, and yet they go on living their lives, however short it might be! They are lucky enough to be, to a degree, an artist of their own existence, without fear of failure. I fear them, but I respect and appreciate them as well! If you find this photograph even remotely interesting, or artistic, thank the spider, because I had nothing to do with it's beauty! I am not the artist here, all I did was save the moment, to remind myself, we can rebuild, and reinvent ourselves, even after the toughest loss!

#29 Leaf Of The Day
October 29th, 2017
Cull Canyon

Mood: Creative

~Me :)

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