"All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on."
~Henry Ellis
Letting go, and holding on. Yes. That is the true process of living a life isn't it? I have always been someone that was stubbornly reluctant to let go... of anything! Well, there were some small exceptions along the way, such as the letting go of our 2007 Saturn ION last week, but I tell you what, it really does take extreme circumstances for me to walk away.
One thing I never managed to walk away from was my love of reading! And really, why would I want to? Oh I have gone moderate amounts of time without picking up a new book, but mostly because I couldn't bring myself to remove to the storage room the tall towers of books I had already read! Each of them, in their own ways, had become a dear and comforting friend. And so with the books, as with my friends, I only leave when I am told to do so.
That's just me.
Thank goodness a good book will never kick you to the curb, tell you that you aren't good enough, or religious enough, or too religious, or that it no longer feels superior to you. No. A good book takes you on vacation, without all the pesky travel costs, or unnecessary airport lines. Books. They are some of the best friends I have ever had.
So, you can see why this sculpture is a favorite of mine... right?
Mood: Happy
~Me :)
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