Monday, September 16, 2013

Heirloom Tomatoes Fresh From The Garden... Delicious!

"Cooking requires confident guesswork and improvisation... experimentation and substitution, dealing with failure and uncertainty in a creative way."

~Paul Theroux, Sir Vidia's Shadow: A Friendship Across Five Continents


YUM! There really is nothing more tasty than the fruits and vegetables from a garden you have planted and nurtured and grown yourself! This year we did a scaled down version of last years garden. Just two Heirloom tomato plants! Alan had the chance to do a lot more overtime, which was a welcomed evil, but time being what it is meant doing less planting. It's okay, we have some  ambitious plans for next spring, so all is well! And anyway, how can one feel bad, when there are beautiful, fresh tomatoes in the garden, ready to be enjoyed?!

Tonight, I am making my famous meatloaf. Right now that is it's only name. "My Famous Meatloaf." LOL. Maybe I will give it a proper name, and post the full recipe... shrug... you never know. It's probably nothing super special as meatloaf goes, but Alan loves it, and raves about it every time I make it for him. What can I say, he is easy to please. He is a nice man, who just happens to know all my flaws, but loves me anyway, and I guess it's that love for me that makes my famous meatloaf taste so good to him. I fix it for him with a lot of love, so I am glad that comes through in my cooking.

Another sign that it's almost autumn... I LOVE cooking in autumn! Come to think of it, I created this meatloaf one lovely autumn day, a few years ago. I suppose I could name it...

Carly's Autumn Meatloaf!


Any excuse to fit autumn into the conversation.


How does all this relate to the GORGEOUS HEIRLOOM TOMATOES? Glad you asked! You see, they are going to be cut up, tossed with some tasty, super yummy, French Feta cheese and some wonderful EVOO, and just a dash of fresh ground peppercorns served on the side of the famous meatloaf. Rustic. Simple. Delicious.


"Maybe the cat has fallen into the stew, or the lettuce has froxen, or the cake has collapsed. Eh bien, tant pis. Usually one's cooking is better than one thinks it is. And if the food is truly vile, then the cook must simply grit her teeth and bear it with a smile, and learn from her mistakes."

~Julia Child

Mood: Happy

~Me :)

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