"No friendship is an accident."
~O. Henry, Heart Of The West
Sometimes I think that I don't simply just like San Francisco, I think it is one of my best friends ever! If it is even possible to be friends with a whole city! I love the different neighborhoods, the quirkiness. The taste. The beauty is jaw dropping at times! Even the ugly can be so striking, and so full of emotion, it's difficult to leave behind.
The other day San Francisco made me smile one more time, as it has many, many times in past visits. Alan and I had just finished eating lunch in Golden Gate Park, and were on our way home, when we stopped at a traffic light at the corner of Fulton and Arguello. As we were talking, I glanced out the window and noticed a message, scrawled into a cement slab, a message I had never noticed before, even though I had stopped many times at this particular corner in the past. The message simply said, "I Like You."
And I thought to myself, "Yeah... I Like You Back."
It was just one of those wonderful San Francisco moments, that came along, just when I needed it most. Like a really good friend!
Mood: Inspired
~Me :)
I haven't linked to my friend JR in way too long! I just visited his photoblog, and he has posted some truly fantastic new images! He never stops inspiring me. Go have a look see...
1 comment:
That is so cool!
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