"A garden to walk in and immensity to dream in... what more could he ask? A few flowers at his feet and above him the stars."
~Victor Hugo, Les Miserables
RRC: Gardens
I had a difficult time deciding whether I wanted to feature flowers, or vegetables for this Round Robin Challenge. I thought about visiting one of the many community gardens in the Bay Area to feature the lovely way they dress up a neighborhood, but in the end I decided to do a round up of some of the prettiest flower gardens I have been to in my travels with my digital cameras over the last 10 years.
Enjoy! :)
Let's begin with the photo featured at the top of the post!
Pastorino's, Half Moon Bay, California

Mission Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California
Conservatory Of Flowers, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, California

Queen Wilhelmina Tulip Garden, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, California
Japanese Tea Garden, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, California
Capitol Rose Garden, Sacramento, California

A Lovely Balcony Garden, 20th st. San Francisco, California
The Brazilian Room Garden, Tilden Park, Berkeley, California

Now that you have seen my gardens, please be sure to visit the other Round Robin participants. Please click the Link at the top of this post to be redirected to the official Round Robin blog. :)
Mood: Creative/Happy
~Me :)
I just can't decide which photo I love best as all of them showcase such beautiful place in your country. We had a tulip show in the Flower Dome Conservatory at the Garden by the bay recently, and I went crazy taking photos of the tulips!
Great gardens in great variety. But you know me - I'm a sucker for the non-flowery things in these shots: classic architecture, trees, and even bright green lawns. Someday I'll get farther north in California than L.A., and see some of this for myself - I hope!
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