"Love is the master key that opens the gates of happiness." ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes

Round Robin Challenge: Gates
It's THAT time. Time for my first challenge back as a co-host! Like I said in the announcement challenge post, it's going to take me a minute or two to get back up to speed, but it's nice to be back! So, without getting all wordy, here is my gallery of GATES! Most are oldies but goodies from the archives, I have been fighting a really bad cold. As of Monday, it will be four weeks old, but my doctor says it's normal for the particular strain of cold. Things are weird... don't you think?
Anyway, on with the show...
Lets begin with the red gate I chose to inspire you with. As you probably know, I photographed that gate last summer, while watching Woody Allen film his latest movie, Blue Jasmine! I wonder why he chose such an awesome gate, all bright with crimson red, then named the movie Blue Jasmine? I can't wait to find out, but I guess I will have to. It's being released the weekend of my birthday at the end of June. :)
"And Their Off..." Golden GATE Fields, Berkeley, Ca
Golden Gate Park Conservatory, GGP, San Francisco, Ca
"Maiden Lane Gate" San Francisco, Ca
"The Part That Went Over The GATE Last" Believe it or not, that's not Dylan, that's Elvis's friend Ernst!
"The Cemetery Gate" Half Moon Bay, Ca
"Pier 14 GATE" San Francisco, Ca
Beautiful Spring GATE!, Mt. Hamilton, Ca
A Golden GATE Bridge Sunset
Every New Day's GATE
Shakespeare Garden GATE, Golden GATE Park, San Francisco, Ca
Okay, those are my GATES! Now that you have seen mine, be sure to drop by the official Round Robin blog, to find the links to all participating Robins, then go see what they have come up with! We have the best photographers on the net!
Mood: Happiness
~Me :)
What a feast for the eyes! Such a variety of subjects and colors! I think I like the Shakespeare Garden gate best.
You did great, I love the horses! Great use of the word with all the different pictures
I love the different variety of the gates!
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