“Life is not made up of minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years, but of moments. You must experience each one before you can appreciate it.”
~Sarah Breathnach
RRC: Goodbye To 2012
2012! What a year! Personally speaking, I had more happiness, and adventure and triumph than in any year that I can remember, but it was not without it's sorrows and frustrations as well. Mostly, I appreciated the year and I am happy to be healthy, and happy. I am especially grateful for Alan and my fur babies. We are a family and there is a lot of love in our little cottage!
Now, onto those moments, that made a year!
"Forever is composed of nows."
~Emily Dickinson
Moments Filled With Faces In Unusual Places

Moments Filled With Light

Moments Filled With New York Moments And Seeing Stars
Hey, isn't that the naughty Times Square Elmo? Yep! That's him!
Woody Allen (Making inadvertent eye contact with me) :)

Cate Blanchette

And Sally Hawkins

Moments Filled With Autumn Color
Moments Filled With Saying Goodbye And Hello
Saying goodbye to one of our favorite restaurants. A place Alan and I frequented our whole lives.
Goodbye Bancheros...

I found out my friend Steven passed away...
I will miss you always my friend.
(Photo by Steven)

And it came time to say goodbye to my car Lilith...

But I said hello to my new car Carl...
Moments Spent In The Garden With Alan. Roses And Tomatoes Were The Thing...
Hot Cocoa Roses
Mr. Stripey Heirloom Tomatoes
Black Krim Heirloom Tomatoes
Moments Of Lovely Serendipity
Finding The Famous Parrots Of San Francisco...

And A Double Rainbow Over The Ferry Building And The Oakland/San Francisco Bay Bridge

Enjoying and appreciating the beauty of the California coastline.
And finally the biggest moment of all, taking an aerial tour of the San Francisco Bay in a single engine Cessna. I always said I would never do it. Not in a single engine plane at least, but I enjoyed it so much. No fear. Just an amazing view of the city I love. Happiness beyond measure.
"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year."
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
All of the photos in this series were taken in the second half of 2012. I did almost no photography during the first half of the year due to illness. It's wonderful to be back taking photos every day again!
That was my 2012 in pictures. If you would like to share your own photo essay of 2012 I know Karen would be happy to have you join in. Click the link at the top of this post to be redirected to the official blog for the Round Robin Challenges. You can find all the information you need to know about the challenge, and the list of other current Round Robin participants. Go see what everyone else photographed this year!
~Me :)
Hello there old buddy old pal! Your photos are beautiful and it sure sounds like it was a great year - well the second half anyway. Here's to health and happiness in the new year!
Happy new year Carly, Dylan and Hendrix!
An absolutely gorgeous roundup of the second half of 2012 in your world. And the photos I scrolled past to get to this post so belatedly - exquisite!
Pepper is currently eating very well and behaving much more like her old self. She may yet turn out to have cancer, but she is nevertheless doing much better!
Happy New Year, my friend!
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