Monday, August 13, 2012

A Photo A Day For 6 Months: Day 95~ Godzilla Has Been Up To No Good!

"Do not trouble the trouble, if you trouble the trouble, the trouble will trouble you."

~Prof. Elizabeth Santos

The Treasure...


 Every year Alan and I plant a vegetable garden, and every year our mascots... Godzilla and his brother Godzilla sit at oposite ends of the garden and watch over it. They scare the birds, and the aphids, and most importantly, the make us smile. Alan is quite the prankster, so sometimes I will go out the garden and find Godzilla, or his brother Godzilla, propped up in some rude fashion. LOL. Honestly, when I purchased the brothers all those years ago, I did so because I thought they were so funny. I don't know, they just ticked my funny bone one day, and I couldn't resist buying them. Call it an impulse. But it was definitely one of my better impulses, because Alan and I have had a lot of fun posing them for photos, or putting them in unusual places like the cat box. 

Don't worry... the cat box had been freshly cleaned and replaced with unused kitty litter.

The Evidence...

They are fun to have around, but in the last few years it seems they have been up to no good, and yesterday, I came up with the photographic evidence. See that guy up there at the top, he is in charge of watching over the northern side of the garden. He usually does a pretty good job, but yesterday afternoon I went out to do some photos for the garden diary, and what did I see? I saw a BIG chunk missing from the pride and joy of my Mr. Stripey Heirloom tomato plant. It seems Mr. Stripey #Une had been assaulted in the middle of the previous night!

Curses! Curses! Drat!

Okay. Not the end of the Heirloom Tomato world... right? No. It's not. But I had big plans for Mr. Stripey #Une. He was going to be the featured addition to a fabulous Heirloom and French Feta homemade pizza. I love tomato and cheese pizzas. I love cooking and creating new recipes. Not that what I just mentioned was all that creative, but the point is, I was looking forward to tasting that tomato. And yes, I am disappointed.

But the good news is, despite the evidence, Godzilla and his brother Godzilla, were both innocent of the crime of Felony Heirloom Tomato Pilfering. No, the real culprit is one... Hornworm Worm.

Ugg. Alan is off work for the next 5 days, so he and I will go through the garden and make sure we take care of the suspect. There are a couple other garden pests that we want to make sure haven't moved in with the current riff-raff. It is a simple fix, and it won't harm other outdoor creatures. That is a must. I wouldn't be after Mr. Horny... but what's a gardener to do? Alan has put a lot of work, and time and love into those tomatoes. And we have a lot of cooking to do. And eating. And enjoying fresh veggies right from the garden.

And now for some good news. As it turns out, I haven't missed my chance to stalk... I mean happen upon a casual meeting...of... Woody Allen. He will be in the city until the end of the month. From what I understand he has been seen all over the city, so my chances of running into him are pretty good I think. Of all the celebrities I have had the chance to photograph, photographing Woody Allen would be.. well... sigh... A-MAZ-ING! Hell, even if I don't get a chance to take a photograph, just being able to see him across Market st. or the Embarcadero would mean my bucket list would have an empty space way up at the top, and I would smile for a very long time.

:) Imagine having a New York minute, in San Francisco. 

"Everybody loves a thing more, if it has cost him trouble."

~Steve Berry, The Venetian Betrayal

Tuesday is the day! Wish me luck!

~ME :)

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