Sunday, July 08, 2012

A Photo A Day For 6 Months: Day 59~ Outrageous Color

"Imagine a delicious glass of summer ice tea. Take a long, cool sip. Listen to the ice crackle and clink. Is the glass part full or part empty? Take another sip. And now?"

~Vera Nezarian, The Perpetual Calender of Inspiration 

Color... Crazy, Vivid, Picturesque... Color. I enjoy photographing grays and muted earth tones, but how could anyone with a camera ever pass up the bright, cheerful shades of summer. Blue like the ocean, purple of royalty, the bright sunny oranges, which will transition to soft pumpkin shades in autumn. Color.... Crazy, Vivid, Picturesque... AMAZING COLOR.



~Me :)


Jama said...

I just love those indigo colour , so beautiful.

jr cline said...

Definitely crazy, vivid color. So beautiful.

I got behind on my posting but I've been shooting away. Here is my catch up link: