Saturday, May 22, 2010

RRC: Statues

"Every block of stone has a statue inside it, and it is the task of every sculptor to discover it."


RRC: Statues
Suggested by Karen, author of the blog, Outpost Mavarin

Meet Charles Lee Tilden. He is the man that my favorite park in the Bay Area is named after. This statue to the man, is located at the Brazil Building, in Tilden Park, here in the Berkeley Hills. If you have been reading my blog for any length of time, you know I spend a lot of time in this park. I love the Botanic Garden, especially in the fall, and you can find me at the Little Farm quite often as well. My favorite area of the park is a toss up between the Carousel and Lake Anza. I can't decide, but I have also spent many a quiet afternoon here at the Brazil Building, bird watching or just enjoying the peace and quiet. It's lovely here. :)

Here, looking down on the Botanic Garden...

And a better look at how Mr. Tilden's statue is displayed in front of the Brazil Building...

Now that you have seen my entry for this Round Robin outing, why not visit everyone else? Just follow the links below to see some great photography by the other participating Robins!

Linking List (As of 10:44 AM PT, Saturday, May 22, 2010)

**Welcome New Participants! :)

1. Jama... Sweet Memories

2. Karen... Outpost Mavarin

3. **Rich... Richimage

4. Dawn... Dawn Elliot Photography

5. Ellen b. ... The Happy Wonderer

6. Sherrie... Sherrie's Stuff

7. Freda... Day One

8. Suzanne... SuzyQ421's Photo Blog

9. Sandy... From the Heart of Texas

10. **Erin... A Hardcore Life

11. Carolyn... Ford Family Photos

12. Peggy... Holmespun Fun Memes and Themes

13. Carly... Ellipsis

14. Maryt... Mary Tomaselli Photos

15. Manang Kim... At my Tabletop

16. Hip Chick... Hip Chicks Photos

17. Ruth... Scrabble Queen

18. Gattina... Keyhole Pictures

19. Duane... Meanwhile...

20.** Cheryl Ann... Desertsouthwest and Deserts and Beyond

Don't forget to check the official Round Robin blog tomorrow, to learn the subject of our next Round Robin Challenge!



Unknown said...

Hi Carly,

Love the compostion on shot 1, The misty background adds atmosphere, and the flowers in the foreground help frame the shot.

Kim, USA said...

A beautiful place to put a statue. Great shot love it! Happy weekend!

Round Robin~Statue

ellen b said...

What a great moody day for these shots. Looks like a wonderful spot to stroll.

Carolyn Ford said...

The misty sky brings out such beautiful color. This statue is certainly sitting in a very photogenic place! Very nice!

Sherrie said...

Hi Carly,
Beautiful place to take pictures. Love all that green, I'll bet it's beautiful in the fall. Have a great day!

Sherrie's Stuff

Scrabblequeen said...

Okay, this settle it; I'm going to visit that park this year! Your photos really capture a feeling of peace and beauty and pique my interest....

maryt/theteach said...

Carly, Mr. Tilden is very lucky to have such a gorgeous view! :)

Suzanne R said...

I like the statue of Mr. Tilden. I like it that he guards your favorite area of the park. It truly is a beautiful and scenic area.

BTW, I have DSL now, and pictures don't take forever to load any more!

Sandy Trefger said...

Love the mist in the first shot and what a beautiful place for a statue!

Ingrid said...

Very impressive person !
I am in Morocco actually and start a round trip tomorrow ! Hope that I can take lots of pictures !

Erin said...

Ah - to be someone who is loved enough by his friends to have a statue dedicated in his honor by them. Thanks for the invite!

Jama said...

The ground is so beautiful! so serene and peaceful.

fredamans said...

Wonderful shots Carly!