-Alice Walker
I can't believe we have already arrived at the letter "M" in Martha's A-Z Photo Challenge! But we are indeed here, and I found it difficult to narrow things down to just one "M." I think I came across more items I could have used with this letter, then most of the other ones. If I hadn't narrowed things down, I would probably have a dozen or so pictures with this entry. Mountains, M&M's, Meat, Morning, Monkeys, Music, the possibilities were endless. In the end, I chose the Morning Glory that is growing in abundance along my garden fence this year. I am noticing it more, I think, because for my birthday we bought a really lovely garden swing, and I have been spending a lot of time out there reading. I love how the Morning Glory takes on a different appearance depending on what time of day you are enjoying it. And that color. I can understand why purple is a royal color!
Be sure to go by Martha's journal, "Perception" to see her "M" photo, and find the links to the other participants in her A-Z Photo Challenge. It's not too late to play along, so go ahead... go play! Its fun!
"Morning Glory"
Berkeley, California
September 15th, 2008
It was a perfect choice Carly. The light has created the glory in this shot. ;) Pun intended.
I love it's vibrant colours!
absolutely gorgeous photo Carly!!
Oh, how I love morning glories...and what a lovely shot.
Now don't ruin my dozens of M's I'm working on...who said it has to be just one?
: /
Oh Carly, this is a beautiful photo! I don't know why, but I had trouble finding something for the letter M - and I still have to have others for the reminder and for the linking list entries. I've got a couple ready to go, but none as beautiful as yours!!! I love the quote too :-)
carly...these are gorgeous!! so vibrant and perfectly composed...as usual. :)
Purple is my favorite color....
Beautiful Photo...
Great choice!
Morning glories are one of my favs!! I love the quote!!
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