-Rod Serling in Submitted For Your Approval, Public Broadcasting Stations, 1995
Tonight, the phone gets taken off the hook. Elvis gets feed and put to bed early, my cell phone is placed ever so gently under a stack of fluffy pillows, the computer is turned off, and everything else in our house goes as silent as we can get it, so that Alan and I can sit back and completely enjoy the season premier of the hit ABC drama, "LOST."
That's right, Carly does not live by politics alone! LOL. I do like a little pop culture thrown in for fun once in a while. While I wouldn't call myself a TV addict, there are a few TV shows I have found myself devoted to this year. I loved last season's FX original, The Riches, and I have been enjoying this season's Pushing Daisies, nothing much else has caught my eye. A favorite of mine for the last few seasons, Desperate Housewives, like most other network programs, has fallen to the on-going writer's strike, so there isn't much more to say unfortunately. For my humor and political fix, I have, Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, to provide me with a little fun distraction 4 nights a week, and HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher on Friday's, but I have to say, I have missed the seeing new episodes of the network shows I had become fond of.
So, it will be nice to see LOST again, for however long it is around this time. I think I heard somewhere that only 8 episodes were taped before the beginning of the strike, so that might mean an even shorter season for the show. Sigh. But that's ok, it is always compelling, and always sexy and edgy, and doggonit... what the heck is the deal with that demon thingy anyway! LOL. Will Kate and Jack get together now that he has finally, FINALLY, admitted he is in love with her. And what about Sawyer? Damn... that man's got it going on! If I were Kate, who would I pick? Jack? Sawyer? Jack? Sawyer? Holy Toledo!! Can you imagine being stuck on a deserted island with those two? And that is only one of the storylines. LOL.There's also Hurley, and John, and, Ben and...
It drives me crazy, because it seems to ask more questions, then it answers. And because it is not on for a full season each year, I tend to get a little lost in the details, but every season premier night, like tonight, I pop the popcorn, grab the 4 chocolate dipped strawberries, and the diet soda, turn all the noise off, and let myself get lost right along with everyone else, because despite the irritations, and frustrations the show leaves me with, it is one of the best written shows to come along in a long, long time. When I watch shows like this one, and The Riches and Pushing Daisies, I just want to send out a big shout... "Come on people, pay the writers what they deserve, and get on with it!"
Jack and Kate?
Are you going to be watching LOST tonight along with me? :) Who is your favorite character? Which character would you like to see comeback? Jack and Kate or Sawyer and Kate? Which character do you find most compelling?
NOTE: Please forgive my spelling errors, my spell check seems to be on the fritz. Sheesh!
1 comment:
Dear Carly,
Fun entry! I love Lost! thanks so much!
It will be exciting this season to see what happens I agree!
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