Just a short entry for today. Alan has been home with a cold since Christmas Day, and I have been fighting the same bug as well. It was 39 degrees in parts of the Bay Area last night, and the rain came as well. It's winter with a vengeance. That's ok, all things in their own time... right? So, while my body might be achy, my spirits are up, and Alan and I are playing a lot of board games, and drinking a lot of juice so what can be bad about that?!
In the meantime, how about some late 2007 business? There is still time to help name the mysterious man I wrote about earlier this month. He is still on my sidebar, right above the poll. So go choose your favorite name for him from the list, and let's give him an official handle for the new year, unless you happen to know who and what he is, because that would be even better! The poll ends on New Year's Eve.
Don't forget to visit the ScalziCelebration blog, and leave your comments for John. His last day as our Blogfather is New Year's Eve. I you are feeling in a playful mood, maybe you might consider playing, Where In The World Is Flat Scalzi." You can download your own Flat Scalzi, suitable for spotting, and do your own entry, but don't forget to comeback to the blog and leave us a link. Who knows where that guy will end up next?
We have a Round Robin Challenge tomorrow, "Going Going Gone." There is still time to sign up to play along. Just hop on over to the official Round Robin blog and leave us your complete information. If you can't make it this time, maybe you will be able to join us next time. Check the blog on Sunday, to find out what our next challenge will be. :)
There, that's it. That's the Odds and Ends for this now. :) How are things in your neck of the woods?
"Mr Unknownman"
Berkeley, California
December 2005
Hi, Carly --
My neck of the woods is pretty fair right now -- I just have been super-tired today and I don't know why that is, maybe just a delayed reaction to all the excitement and activity of the Christmas holiday? I'm sorry you and Alan have colds and I hope you both get to feeling a lot better soon!
I have been thinking about the Round Robin Photo Challenge but I haven't been inspired to come up with an entry. Also, since I'm on dial-up, it takes forever to upload blogs and comment windows, which makes it quite frustrating and difficult to participate. I'm truly sorry about that, and if I come up with a way to play, I will let you know.
In the meantime, I wish you a most wonderful and Happy New Year -- 2007 is almost gone! Yippee!
Things are alright in my neck of the woods. Thanks for asking.
I was going through an old toy box with my grandson today, looking for broken stuff to throw out and looking for stuff for him to play with. I found a doll (action figure?) exactly like that one. Who or what he is, I don't know.
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