Saturday, October 06, 2007

Round Robin Challenge: Backyard Photography

"In my garden, there is a large place for sentiment. My garden of flowers is also my garden of thoughts and dreams. The thoughts grow as freely as the flowers, and the dreams are as beautiful."

-Abram L. Urban

Finally, I get a chance to show off my autumn garden! In autumn! :) I started my garden a little later than usual this year, I don't know why, I think I was just taking my time, trying to decided if I really wanted one. I have complained enough about how challenging this year has been, so I won't go into detail, but all the crap was getting to me, and so, as a result, I could feel my drive to be creative slipping away with each day. Well, one day last June, in a mad attempt to break away from some of the issues I was going through, I just jumped in, feet first, and planted away. First I chose what corner of the yard to make my own, then I visited the store, and chose the seeds and plants, and then I made the vision come alive. I have one or two more touches to go, like the orange autumn lights, and then it will be complete. Pretty soon I will have to decide if I want to plant some bulbs for next spring, or if I want to just go with container pots again. I bet you can guess I am sitting on the fence a bit. Well, you will just have to stay tuned! :)

Bachelor Button

Pink Aster

Yellow Sunflower

Hot Pink Four O' Clock

Orange Cosmos

Yellow Cosmos and Skipper

A surprise visitor to my garden, a tomato plant from the neighbor's yard!

From Alan's garden; Variety Bell Peppers and Eggplant

Solid Black Sunflower

Burnt Orange/Red Sunflower



This Round Robin Challenge, was suggested by Tammie Jean, author of the blog, "Long Drives To Nowhere." Thank you Tammie Jean! :) Please be sure to drop by her blog, and say hello, then pay a visit to all the participating Robins, to view their entries as well. And remember Robins, we always need new suggestions for future Round Robin challenges, so please submit your ideas. Email your suggestions to Karen, Steven or myself, and who knows, we might choose your idea next!

Linking List

1. Steven... (sometimes photoblog)

2. Carly... Ellipsis

3. Tara... A Long Walk Home

4. Janet... Fond Of Photography

5. Suzanne R... New Suzanne R's Life

6. Vicki... Maraca

7. Gattina... Keyhole Pictures

8. Karen... Outpost Mavarin

9. Tammie... Long Drives to Nowhere

10. Julie... Julie's Web Journal

11. Teena... It's all about me!

Garden Photos
Autumn, 2007


Karen Funk Blocher said...

Your work on the garden has certainly paid off! Look at all those great flowers and veggies! I like the peppers the best.

Suzanne R said...

Your backyard must be a very satisfying and restful place to be. Nice work, Carly!

MyMaracas said...

What a lovely oasis you have there, Carly! You must have quite a green thumb.


Steven said...

The autumn garden in autumn! Love it. Cool cosmos flowers. Great looking veggies as well :-)

Ingrid said...

Lovely flowers, but I would have liked to see a little more of the whole yard, lol ! I am a curious person !

Teena in Toronto said...

Your backyard is much nicer than mine :)

Thanks for stopping by mine!

Anonymous said...

The Nemesia is beautiful! I don't think I've ever seen that flower. My favorite, tho, is of the sunflower with the bee on it...and with the one dandelion fluff peeking out the top back!

Tammie Jean said...

What a wonderful variety of flowers you have, and such awesome subjects for photos - these are fantastic!

Anonymous said...

You've got some great plants in your garden. I've been container gardening for years - whatever I plant in the ground dies.