-Elizabeth Akers Allen
Happy Halloween!
Look, it's Elvis as Woodstock! And his favorite buddy, Ross the Moose as a Value Meal! Oooooh Spooky. :) This is also my entry for this week's edition of Feline Friday. If you haven't played before, you really should. You can find out all the information on how to play by visiting my friend Steven's blog. See the link below.
From our house to yours, have a HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
Feline Friday (sometimes) photoblog
Happy Halloween
Berkeley, California
October 31, 2007
I love it, I love it! I knew you wouldn't disappoint me and not have Elvis all dressed up! hehehe.. he is so darn cute!!
Elvis has to be the most patient, tolerating cat I've ever seen. He cracks me up! LOL. By the way, Hi! Haven't talked to you in awhile. Have a good one!
Hi Carly - and Happy Halloween!
I love Elvis's costume. What a cutie he is! Gatsby spent the evening attempting to escape with every group of trick-or-treaters. I think he enjoyed the game.
Elvis is so adorable in his outfit! I don't know if you noticed the pictures of Chester and Stevie that I posted on Monday. They were from a couple of years ago, but both Chester (may he rest in peace) and Stevie were very patient about being dressed up, although there were pitiful meows involved. LOL!
Sooo cute! Wonderful! And may I just say, there are great shots on a number of other entries I didn't comment on - the Cooking for Autumn Tree, the haunted fridge, etc.
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