Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Your Monday Photo Shoot: Trees And Menorahs!

"Perhaps the best Yuletide decoration is being wreathed in smiles."


Your Monday Photo Shoot: Show off your Christmas tree and/or Menorah or other seasonably appropriate holiday centerpiece. So, if you celebrate the Solstice or commemorate Kwanzaa, or, heck, just plain like the all, you're covered. We're focusing on this year's decorations, so recent pictures are preferred. But if you haven't gotten all set up yet, you can reach back in your archives.

-John Scalzi (By The Way)

Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah :)

I have showed plenty of photos of my official Christmas tree, but I don't show off the little mini-Christmas tree that I keep on my desk, so here it is! Sitting beside the tree, you see a white container of Hanukkah cookie mix, with a little dreidle cookie cutter. I couldn't pass it up. Next weekend I will make dreidle cookies, as we light the menorah. Yep, I have a Christmas tree, and we observe Hanukkah, because, see, I am Jewish by heritage, and Methodist by choice. Lonnnnnggggg story, but the short version is that I found out in my late 30's that my mother was Jewish. The way I feel about it, all believers can celebrate Hanukkah, so why not appreciate it right along with the traditions of Christmas? It's the best of all possible messages and spirit of this time of year!

Both traditions mean a lot to me, but I have one other holiday tradition in the way of a decoration that is always a part of our seasonal displays, my stuffed moose Ross, "Protector of the Presents." Ross sits under the tree, among the packages, on the "Bench of Importance." He is there to remind us, not to be naughty, by trying to figure out what might be in the wrapped up boxes and bags under the tree. I guess you could say Alan and I have a firm grasp on the silliness of the season, as well as an appreciation for it's deep significance. :) Our's is a happy house.

Berkeley, California
December 12, 2006


DesLily said...

well now.. Ross is an OK Moose in my book! lol

Charley said...

Is it bad that I REALLY love the Adam Sandler song? :)

Ingrid said...

I think it's a good idea to take over the traditions you love, whatever religion is involved ! I took some traditions over from my Italian husband because I liked them and he is very happy with my German traditions. And as we live in Belgium we took some over from here too.
I would like to join this "Monday Photos Shoot" Where do I get the theme for each week ? Or is it just going to the blog and leave a link ?
Thanks for an answer.

Karen Funk Blocher said...

Oh, I saw that Hannukah xookie mix! I took pictures of other mixes in that line of products - the pumpkin-based ones, of course!