-Herman Melville
Weekend Assignment #141: Do you enjoy traveling? Not the arriving and being where you're going, min you; I'm asking if you enjoy the actual act of traveling from on place to another, by car or train or airplane or whatever. What I'm asking for is if you enjoy the journey as much as you enjoy the destination.
Extra Credit: Any more travel planned for 2006, or are you home for the rest of the year?
-John Scalzi (By The Way)
Do I enjoy traveling? Oh my yes! When Alan and I take our long trips, as we did when we went to Nevada last October, we have a wonderful time together. He and I have been taking long car trips together since before we were dating, in fact, his present to me for my 21st birthday was a trip to Reno, Nevada. At the time, he and I had been best friends for quite a while, and we enjoyed many of the same things, so we had a little getaway together. We had a fantastic time. We did a little gambling, saw a couple shows, and enjoyed each others company. :) Now here we are... YIKES... 22 years later, and old married couple... and we still have a blast!
It's about a 4-hour ride northeast, by car to Reno, and about a 5 1/2-hour car ride to Santa Barbara, which is south. That is a long time to spend in a car with someone, even if it is someone you love. LOL. We pass the time by talking, we have such a good time just making conversation, but sometimes we will play car games, such as "Song Titles," or "MadLibs." We are both usually on the lookout for something interesting to photograph, lol, so sometimes our journeys take longer then other times, but gosh the sights we have seen. There really is nothing like, burning a new CD, putting it in the car stereo, and taking a long car ride together, just he and I. :)
The sights we have seen...
A seagull pays me visit, while I visit Fort Point. 9/22/06
Current events give us plenty to talk about. 5/9/06
I enjoy photographing public art while driving. 11/24/06
"Passages" San Francisco Embarcadero.
Travel is about the journey... not the destination. :) 12/24/2005
Extra Credit: I have one, or two "maybe" trips planned for December. We'll see. :)
Golden Gate Bridge
Marin County, California
Spring, 2006
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