-Vincent Van Gogh
For me,it's the little moments of perfect timing with my camera, that can bring about whirlwind of emotions, especially when I am not sure what to think. You know those times...everyone has them...the moments when you feel like you are standing on the edge of something, but you aren't sure what. It can be about a job, a relationship, a social ideal, a religious contemplation. It's not about faltering, and it's not about fear of the unknown...it's about the challenges we face, when making up our minds. Especially when we would have sworn that our feelings, thoughts, ideals, and yes, emotions, were set in stone. Emotions always serve as a vivid reminder of how we can take things for granted. Sometimes, it's ourselves that we take for granted the most.
Our current Round Robin challenge seems particularly challenging for me this time around. The subject is, "Emotions," and was chosen by our friend Chris, author of the journal, "My Photographic Life." I am not sure why I am finding it so challenging, but I know it's a good thing that I do. It's good to push our own creativity, particularly with the camera, because it captures life in the moment. I know it was my camera that helped me come back to the land of the living, after spending three years in a walking death of Anhedonia. With each new photo I pushed myself to take, I saw more and more emotion returning to my life, and my existence. Those little moments, made me feel alive, and now I realize that when I add them all up, it totals up to happiness. As of this coming August, my Anhedonia will be in remission three years. My therapist tells me that there is a slim chance it could comeback, but she doesn't think it will. Frankly I don't think it will either, because if anything, I can see life a whole lot clearer then before I got sick. My camera saves me, and every moment captured in it's lens, represents a world of sweet emotion.
If you are feeling like you could use a little creative challenging, why don't you join us for the next Round Robin Challenge? The date for this challenge will be, Wednesday, June 14. As always you can post your entry any time between the midnights. Just pay a visit to the official Round Robin Challenge blog to find out all the details. We are always pleased to have a new Robin join us, just be sure to read the ***Welcome Entry & Rules Of Play*** Come on and join us for the fun, you know you want to! :)
"Monet's Moment"
Golden Gate Park
Japanese Tea Garden
San Francisco, California
May, 2005
I love that photo! It's like an impressionistic painting.
As always, so very nicely said. The picture is impressive, too.
It will be tough to be creative on this one, but I know that you and this group will be great.
Here's to three mere years of Carly expressing emotion with great photos like this ine!
Hey girl...I'm going to try and get back in the game. Don't know where I've been hiding or what I've been doing.
Love your photo (as always). I've missed you!!!
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