"Love is not consolation...it is LIGHT."
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Your Monday Photo Shoot: Put your camera on the ground to shoot a picture of something you don't usually see from the bottom up. Call it the "worm's-eye view"of the world, if worms had eyes, which they mostly don't.
-John Scalzi (By the Way...)
This past weekend I paid a visit to Fort Point, which is located at the mouth of the San Francisco Bay. I have always wanted to see the lighthouse which sits inside the courtyard. It is one of the smallest of the Northern California lighthouses, oh how hard it has worked! The lighthouse is 27-feet tall and sits a mere 83 feet above sea level, atop Fort point. This lighthouse was the third and final one to be placed at the fort. It survived the 1906 earthquake, but not the construction of the Golden Gate Bridge, which overshadowed the point and obscured the light. Fort Point lighthouse was officially discontinued in 1934. The lighthouse keeper to serve the longest was James Rankin, he was in charge from 1878 to 1929. When he retired he was commended for saving 18 lives off Fort Point.
I have a lot more photos of Fort Point to share with you, and I will post them soon. It is an immensely interesting place, with a lot of history. I decided to take as many photographs of this lighthouse as possible. It's beauty really caught my imagination and coincidently, I decided to photograph it from this angle, looking upwards into the light. :) Cool isn't it. :)
"I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness because it shows me the stars."
-Og Mandino
Fort Point Lighthouse
May 14, 2006
Actually, that's not a roof...that's the bottom of the Golden Gate Bridge. The lighthouse predates the erection of the bridge. :) Tune in later this week too see some additional photographs.
I find myself wanting to send them some Rustoleum or something. This should be preserved better, I think. And I can't get over that big open space at the bottom...! - Karen
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