-Alfred Hitchcock
As I sit here, in my office, typing this entry, I am also listening to the rain pounding on the roof. The weather gauge on my computer's desktop reads 39 degrees and my dragonfly windchimes, that hang just outside my office window, and making a beautiful, melodious noise. I am drinking a cup of hot chocolate with cinnamon syrup and topped with whipped cream, some of which, Elvis is licking off his nose. LOL. I can't keep him out of the whipped cream! :) On my desk is a small stack of DVD's, some of them are my very favorite ones to watch in winter. Is there a better way to spend a cold winter night, then to curl up with your favorite cat, and your favorite movie? You could probably think of another way, but for me, this is a great stress buster on a cold winter day. So, here are my winter movie picks...
Holiday Comedy: National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
Holiday Romance: Love Actually
Horror: Sleepy Hollow
Sci-Fi: Village Of The Damned
Drama: Forever Young
Independent: Party Monster
Family Film: A Bug's Life
Family Film Animated: Chicken Run
Documentary: No Direction Home: Bob Dylan
Musical: Everyone Says I Love You
Political Thriller:The Sum Of All Fears
Action/Adventure: Conspiracy Theory
Stephen King Winter: Dolores Claiborne
Alfred Hitchcock Winter: North By Northwest
Movie With A Lesson: Working Girl
Romance: Return To Me
Christmas Movie: A Christmas Story
New Year's Movie: Bridget Jones Diary
Groundhog Day Movie: Life Or Something like It
Valentine's Day: Chocolat
Movie For A Saturday Afternoon: Dragonfly
Movie For A Sunday Afternoon: A Fish Called Wanda
If you have a favorite movie you enjoy watching in winter, please tell me about it. Just leave me a comment. I would enjoy hearing about them. :)
"Sunlit From Heaven"
Sierra Nevada
December 2002
Early Morning
i love Chocolat, too. and I have to throw in The Grinch Who Stole Christmas (Ron Howard version). Have you ever seen 'Serendipity'?? Lovely romance. You MUST catch that if you haven't. It stars John Cusack and Kate Beckinsale.
Just this morning, we watched The Santa Clause 2. Part one was good, too. I also love to watch a good marathon of the 3 Harry Potter movies, or, the Indiana Jones Trilogy over a long weekend!! Wonderful ! Have a great Sunday!!! xoxox Phinney
You've Got Mail would be my choice for a winter romantic comedy.
And for Groundhog Day, you just can't best Groundhog Day.
Runner-up for Christmas movie is Miracle on 34th Street, the original with Natalie Wood.
And, of course, the best movie with a sled in it is Citizen Kane.
Hi Carly,
Thank you for the email. I really appreciate the compliment. Made my day!
Your images are gorgeous and I love the way you combine quotes with your own thoughts. If it's OK, I'd like to link to one of your posts.
Happy Holidays to you too!
Beautiful photograph. And you're right --a cat and a movie!
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(and chocolate ) a winter must.
Thank you for stimulating this for me, I will drag it out and watch it this evening.
Thinking of you,
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