-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Weekend Assignment: Write a holiday haiku on any subject.
Haiku have three lines
And seventeen syllables:
5-7-5. See?
Extra Credit: Find a little extra time, for greetings in rhyme!
-John Scalzi
A Haiku huh? Ut oh...LOL...Ok, here goes.
Holiday Haiku
By Carly Gordon (OndineMonet)
A season of joy
Bows, presents, ribbons, love, hope
Holidays at home.
Extra Credit: A holiday Rhyme
Poinsettas are red
Christmas trees are green
Here's wishing you all the joy
The holiday can bring.
"Christmas Bow"
Castro Valley, California
December 22rd, 2005
Merry Christmas!!!
Wow, you did a good job on the assignment.
BTW, I love the pic of Elvis.
I like the haiku! Nice job! - K
Great job on the haiku and the photo at the top of your page is truly awesome. Hope you enjoyed a wonderful holiday!
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