Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Happy Halloween!

"I was born on the night of Samhaim, when the barrier between the worlds is whisper thing and when magic, old magic, sings its heady and sweet song to anyone who cares to hear it."

~Carolyn MacCullough
Once A Witch

I wasn't born on the night of Samhaim, I was born on June 29th, on a rather dull, hot day, in early summer. A nothing special day. But I have always wished that October 31st had been my birthday, as it is my favorite day of the year! Free candy. The possibility of seeing a ghost, and a day when it's okay to admit that sometimes I dream about events that haven't happened yet. Or know things about people that I have just met, without them telling me! Or sometimes I know that the phone is about to ring, and sometimes I dream about the future... and sometimes those dreams are eerily accurate! Like earlier this year, when I dreamt about being surrounded by pheasants, and later that evening a pheasant appeared in our backyard. It stuck around in the yard, for about 3 days later. But on the third day, when I went looking for my new friend, it was gone, and I haven't seen it since!

I shrug it off, because all the women in my family have these flashes of insight. It was passed down to at least three generations! My husband, Alan, has come to enjoy it when it happens, he always says I should try for the California Lottery numbers, but that isn't how things work. I just have little flashes of truth, sprinkled with whimsy. Am I witch? Nah, I don't think so. But sometimes I have to admit, I wouldn't mind that label so much. After all, I don't have a long spooky nose, I don't ride a broomstick, and I don't cook up gross slimy things in my big black cauldron, also known as a Crockpot.

I'm just me, and whatever it is that causes the occasional insights I have, isn't something to fear, or ignore. It's fun, and one day it may just stop happening, so for right now I will just enjoy it, and enjoy the fact that I, and the women in my family, like the women in the book Practical Magic, we are a little different then other folks. It's just a finer tuned instinct than most folks have, and I thank GOD for it! It has been a cool source of fun, and it has, at times, literally saved my life. What can I say, I am just me, and Halloween let's me feel like I can just be me, with or without a costume! I am free to just be happy in my own skin!

 "Always throw spilled salt over your left shoulder. Keep rosemary by your garden gate. Add pepper to your mashed potatoes. Plant roses and lavender, for luck. Fall in love whenever you can."

~Alice Hoffman
(Sally Owens)
Practical Magic
Mood: Happy

~Me :)

1 comment:

fredamans said...

Happy Howl'oween, Carly!