Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Autumn's Vivid Colors


“Autumn mornings: sunshine and crisp air,
 birds and calmness, year’s end and day’s beginnings.” 
~Terri Guillemets
Autumn, this year, is going to be filled with more vivid colors then in previous years, I can already tell! Look at the colors on this Western Bluebird, the just stunned me! I got to look at him for a good amount of time, as e seemed to want to pose for me, which unusual for this kind of bird. It's not quite as manic as the Ruby-crowned Kinglet, or the Common Yellowthroat, but it does move from branch to ground in a fun pace. I wasn't even focusing on birds at that moment, there was a new squirrel I have never seen before playing nearby, and then there it was, a beautiful streak of blue hopping about the grass. I followed it up to a branch just above our car, and as I said, it posed for me! I eventually got the picture of the squirrel too, but today belongs to the Western Bluebird! Magic!

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