Thursday, February 22, 2024

Secens From Woodbridge Road


“Farming is a profession of hope”
~Brian Brett 

I love my birds, but there are other beautiful scenes along Woodbridge road. The farm country has some gorgeous views of farms being farms, even just the farm equipment has a charm to it and the summer and autumn harvest's are my favorite time of year to see it all! But during the autumn and winter you can see absolutely breathtaking views of light and shadows, which look great to my photographer's eye, whether in color or black & white. Birds swimming in bodies of water created by the rain, are especially picturesque with the setting sun and the view of Mt. Diablo in the background. After the water recedes, comes the planting and the harvest that grows the plants that encourages the birds to visit the following year. I love that cycle, and now that I live here, I get to watch it renew year after year! 
It probably seems silly that all this intrigues me so much, after all that's how nature works, but when you have grown up in the city, as opposed to living where it is farmland all around you, you just get a different feeling of what beauty is. I see the amazing architecture of San Francisco and Berkeley and I never want to leave the city's, sounds and energy that living there generates, but when I spend an entire day, doing nothing more than listening to the sound of geese and ducks flying around, I reach such a zen-like state that I find myself sleeping better. There is an elderly man, in a blue vehicle, that I have seen napping in his car on many afternoons. He has noticed us diving by too, because of how frequently we visit, and we wave when we see each other now, like neighbors who love our neighborhood. We both understand what it feels like to be adjacent to so much beauty.
Of course visiting back home does that to me too, but back home is 90 miles away, and that is a long trip. I still visit Berkeley and San Francisco, I get deeply homesick, but it's down to only a couple times a year, as opposed to yearning for a trip every month. Oh well, I don't know, I guess in my old age I need to be in nature more than San Francisco. I sure never thought I would say that! I think of my former life almost daily! I think about the art, and the comedy clubs and restaurants we frequented, and long for it to the point it hurts, but now that spring is almost here, just wait until you see the barn and wildflowers of Desmond road. You'll smile.


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