Autumn Days
Yellow, mellow, ripened days,
Sheltered in a golden coating;
O'er the dreamy, listless haze,
White and dainty cloudlets floating;
Winking at the blushing trees,
And the sombre, furrowed fallow;
Smiling at the airy ease,
Of the southward flying swallow.
Sweet and smiling are thy ways,
Beauteous, golden Autumn
~Will Carleton
The tumbleweeds, and the other dry vegetation, is so pretty right now. I know that sounds strange, but I find beauty in the last hints of autumn. In the wild weeds and small homes built by the ballooning spiders. I have a wonderful new obsession, and I can't believe I never saw it's crazy beautiful artistry before now.Tiny newborn spiders making a home for themselves. Imagine! With a little luck they will grow up to be big spiders, like my friend Boris did. What a happy thought. I mean, they have their place, hopefully outside in nature where they are needed. I try my best to not be needy about the tings a spider could help me with. And I have a great hope I will see Boris again one day.
Tiny nitnat bugs were flying over my head yesterday afternoon, as I made my way around the Clifton Court Forebay. I rolled the sunroof back, and snapped away. Critters. They looked like little faeries, or maybe little angels. While most folks would call them pests, I find them, well, enchanting. shrug. I guess it's Autumn, and I love every inch of it. From the amazing migration of geese to the ballooning spiders, to the last of the thistles, to the tiny nitnats that will be gone come winter. There is too much to see, and so little time left!
Autumn is a love song, and it is sung with so many happy voices. Can you hear them? I love it when I wake up, and hear the sound of Canada Geese, and Sandhill Crane flying over the house. Soon it will be a couple thousand Snow Geese, and Greater White-fronted geese. After that the Bufflehead ducks and Swallows. It's music. Autumn definitively has a marching band! And the tiny spiders and old forgotten weeds have a voice in it too. I promise. Go and listen to the sounds of November. Breathe in it's scent. It's intoxicating!
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