Sunday, October 01, 2023

Meanwhile, Over By The Brenner's House...


“His eyes reflected the open grey of the autumnal sky.” 

  ~ Juliet Marillier,
Bodega Bay was cool and foggy yesterday, and it was filled with a lot of birds, so needless to say, I was completely thrilled. Ive been there when, ironically, there were very few birds at all, but that wasn't the case yesterday, as we counted at least four or five different kinds of gulls alone. There were Western Bluebirds, and assorted shorebirds and waders. We even spotted our first Brant of the year! I think we came home yesterday with about four new birds for this year's list, which brings the total so far to 153! Not a bad way to spend one of the last days of September! While in Bodega Bay, our favorite place to do our birding is across the bay from The Tides restaurant, near where the character of Mitch Brenner lives, from the Hitchcock classic, The Birds. Over by the house next to the two trees, as it's pointed out in the movie. It's officially called, Bodega Head. It's a great place to have lunch and wait for something fantastic to fly by. I love California so much!


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