Tuesday, November 05, 2019

Art About Town: Stockton UOTP (Tribute To Student Life)

"Tribute To Student Life"
By Helen Betz
University Of The Pacific
Stockton, California
November 3rd 2019
"It's not that you were memorable,
but you had the quality of eternal details
like faded graffiti, abandoned newspapers, or a few smudged notes,
almost an offbeat line,scribbled as if by mistake 
amid the frenzy of Bliss Street."

~Zeina Hashem Beck
To Live In Autumn

Faye Spanos Concert Hall

Last Sunday, Alan and I took a walk on the campus of the University Of The Pacific. It is a really beautiful college, with old brick buildings, dating back to the mid 1800's. As I have mentioned in previous posts, the exterior of the, Faye Spanos Concert Hall, was used in the film, "Indian Jones, And The Raiders Of The Lost Ark." A fact of which makes me very happy and downright proud of Stockton! I think it's the coolest damn thought that Indiana Jones could have once taught school here, but I also know that the real name of the college he taught at was Medford college. Sigh. Still the concert building is one of the lovlies buildings on campus, and it deserved to be in the movie. But I digress. This post is about some really great public art that I came across, while checking out the lovely grounds of the university.

I photographed the sculpture from a couple different perspectives, then I sat down on a nearby bench to rest for a while, and just enjoy the beautiful, warm autumn sun. I thought about all the history of the college, and some of it's famous alumni. Janet Leigh. Jamie Lee Curtis. Dave Brubeck. Former mayor of San Francisco George Moscone. Chris Issak. Alex Spanos and Darren McGavin, and that's just to name a few. Politics, entertainment, Business... so many different amazing folks walked this campus, and I feel completely at home here now, in my new town, as I discover all the new facts about those who came to Stockton before me. It took me a little over four years to make an effort, but discovering new art has helped me have some peace of mind, and feel at home. I'm finally home, and I have art to thank for it.

University Of The Pacific
Stockton, California
November 3rd 2019

#44 Leaf Of The Day
November 5th 2019
Photographed November 3rd 2019
University Of The Pacific
Stockton California

I will be posting additional photos of the university this week. It had too many lovely brick buildings, to put them all in one post! Stockton has such a wonderful mix of architecture, and I think I might do a comprehensive look at the different historical buildings and their styles. So, don't forget to check back!

~Mood: Happy
~Me  :)

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