Monday, October 28, 2019

The October Elements

"In the winter of my life I fell in love with autumn, and you.
 The leaves will change and fall but your
 love is here to stay, at least for just another day."

~Maria Koszler

It has been extremely windy the last few days, and it makes me fear that the leaves will be falling before I have a chance to get really started with my annual leaf project. As of Halloween, we will only be at the midpoint of autumn, and it feels like I have not done much this year. All the leaves in the Sierra peaked early, like about a month before they usually do, then the Santa Ana winds threatened to make fire season even worse than it already is, as if it hasn't caused enough damage this year in, Sonoma County, it just doesn't get enough. But still, I have been happy with my results. The truth is, there will never been enough autumn to play in, and it leaves me melancholy, but it's okay, because I am already looking forward to October 1st, 2020. Wind and Fire in October, in California, is becoming the things of which nightmares are made.

And now...
#36 Leaf of The Day
October 28th 2019
Ione, California

~Mood: Okay
~Me  :)

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