Tuesday, September 03, 2019

Clouds Like Hot Air Balloons

"There was a star riding through clouds one night,
 and I said to the star, 'consume me'."

~Virginia Woolf
The Waves

Since last December, I have been looking skyward during storms, because I have seen some of the most interesting cloud types and formations since moving out to the valley, than probably in the entire time I lived in the Bay Area! Its probably due to the air being so different out here. Its moist at times because of the San Joaquin Delta, but at times its a little drier too. Weird. It takes a little getting used to, because I know when the humidity goes up, so does the chance for my newly acquired medical complaint, Migraines. I lucked out the other day, during a really hot day some clouds formed overhead and dropped great big icy droplets. The situation  had all the potential to bring with it the perfect recipe for a headache, but didn't. I just got to enjoy the beautiful clouds, that kinda looked like hot air balloons. It was nice.

~Mood: Happy
~Me  :)

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