Sunday, December 09, 2018

To Everything There Is A Season Under Heaven

Dogwood Cluster
October 14th 2018
Ione, California

"Leaves doesn't wait for autumn to shed, 
they shed when they are ready, bad experiences doesn't wait,
 they leave when you are ready."

~Pushpa Rana
Just The Way I Feel

It's the last of the autumn color. Not everywhere, but on some of my favorite, go-to trees near home. It's time. As I have been saying all this season, the trees gave me a real gift this year, by beginning to change color, even before the end of August, so I don't have much room to complain! Still, it's sad. My autumn leaves do a lot for my focus, and photographing them is my favorite stress buster!

I appreciate the peace of mind it brings me.

 I need it right now, with the revelations that came to light last week, when the sentencing memos for Michael Cohen, and Paul Manafort, were reveled, my nerves are frayed. Trump isn't the only one that wishes that this Mueller investigation would wrap up! A lot of folks, such as myself, wish it would. And like me, most people are trying to understood what is taking so long for the warrants, indictments, or a clear and concise no evidence, I just need something, not matter which way it goes.

 I just need some peace of mind.

I not wanting to get my hopes up, when it comes to anything. That would be foolish. At the same time, I don't want to walk around in a depressed funk, I want some hope that there will be some justice. I just want to know that there will be an end of this nightmare in my lifetime, so I can rest again. Okay, I admit it, I am in pain. It hurts my soul to see him drunk on the power he has, and how he uses it for such evil acts. Everything that goes against my values. Life is a ball of unfair, so I am not sure there will be an end, and that's the most difficult pain of all, not knowing what to expect.

I just want some peace of mind.

So, as we go forward, I have my camera, and the last of the autumn leaves. After that, we will see what comes next, one day at a time! Perhaps I will take on some black and white photography for a while. Maybe some Pop art inspired subjects. Maybe I will get back to some recipe photography, hopefully something will inspire me that I can run with. Maybe I won't choose any one subject, and just photograph whatever comes my way. Shrug,

I just want some peace of mind.

#79 Leaf Of The Day
December 9th 2018
Photographed December 8th 2018
Stockton, California

~Mood: Quiet


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