"The problem with winter sports is that
...follow me closely here..
they generally take place in winter."
~Dave Barry
Okay, so I don't absolutely hate winter. In fact, I kinda love winter. That is the one time of the year when California is most likely to see actual weather. Rain, cold breezes, even the occasional decent dusting on snow on Grizzly Peak Boulevard or other slightly higher peaks around the Bay Area! But one of my favorite parts of the colder months actually begins in late autumn, just before Thanksgiving, when all the area ice skating rinks open for the holidays.
I just had to fit autumn in there a little.
Anyway, the rinks usually stay open a couple weeks into January, and it just wouldn't be the holiday season if we couldn't go to Embarcadro Center or Union Square and watch folks swoosh on the ice. Oh how I wish I could join them, but I never learned how, and now with my arthritic knee it would probably be impossible, but it's okay. Sometimes watching someone else have fun is just as fun as actually participating! I love watching the young ones, trying to teach the parental ones. That always makes me smile!
Mood: Happy
~Me :)
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