"You know, when it works, love is pretty amazing. It's not overrated. There's a reason for all those songs."
~Sarah Dessen, This Lullaby
Yesterday was a busy day... and night! Not only was it Valentine's Day, but it was also the rise of the Full Snow Moon! I had a full day editing photos, and then Alan brought home some Italian food so I wouldn't have to cook. THAT'S LOVE! LOL. Funny how it's the smallest gestures that say the biggest messages sometimes.Not that bringing home Italian food is a small gesture, trust me, I appreciated it and getting an evening off, to just cuddle up with my fellas... all 4 of them now... made for a very happy Valentine's Day!
And with that little extra energy, I was able to go out last evening with the cameras, and photograph the Full Snow Moon, which rose at 6:51 p.m. Pacific Time. I had a lovely clear view, which was a relief, because there is more rain heading into the Bay Area soon! No fog. No clouds. Just amazingly clear skies. The temperature was even agreeable, especially for February, it was 57 degrees. Nice. So, I got this month's full moon, so now, with a little luck, I will be able to continue my full moon series. Come on luck... stay with me!
Full Moon And Romance...

Mood: Happy
~Me :)
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