"Tradition: Sit with husband in a room lit only by tree lights and remember that our blessings outnumber the lights. Happy Christmas to all."
~Betsy Canas Garmon
It's just Alan and me. All our family has either passed away, or moved away, and while we have some really great friends, when all the shopping, and cooking, and decorating, and wrapping of presents is done, we settle down, wrap our arms around each other, and our little furbaby boys, and cuddle. Of course this comes after we track Santa At Norad. We have to watch the jolly fellow make his way around the world on Christmas Eve! This year we are especially blessed to have our newest furbaby, Joey, come into our lives. As much as we love the little guy, it was a surprise financially speaking, to have a little addition come along, So far, to get him healthy, we have put out in excess of $300! But when you look into his eyes, and see his unstoppable energy, and feel him cuddle up next to you, with a purr that would shake a room, we both know we did the right thing, and we also know what a blessing little Joey's love is.
This year, with the new addition to the family, Alan and I have scaled back our respective Christmas Wish Lists! We have set a $75 limit each, which is just perfect! I swear, the older I get, the more I understand why my mother and father always said they didn't need or particularly want anything for Christmas! One... I am getting to the point where I don't want to have to dust, put batteries in, wash & dry, or find a place for, another damn thing! Two... SEE NUMBER ONE! LOL. It just is what it is! I am happy with little things, and practical things. iTunes Gift Cards. (I know, those last two words should not have been capitalized, but they look good that way, don't they?) I also enjoy socks more now than I used to! Socks! The most boring present possible! LOL. You know you are old when the thought of a pair of socks for Christmas turns you on! Some sandpaper would be nice also, my back itches occasionally! LOL.
Well, anyway, here is my practical Christmas wish list...
1. 1 Hamilton Beach Panini Maker
2. 1 set of Mainstay Standard Pillows (Medium)
3. 1 set of Cost Plus World Market Floral Measuring Spoons
4. 1 set of Corelle Impressions 16-piece Dinner set
5. 1 RCA 7" Tablet with 4GB Memory
6. 1 set Cambridge Silversmiths Blossom Sand 20 Piece Flatware Set
7. 1 Presto Pizza Oven
8. 1 Panera Bread Cookbook
9. 1 Vera Wang Princess perfume
10. 1 Oscar de la Renta perfume
11. 1 Philadelphia Eagles Jersey
12. 1 Cal Bears Teddy Bear
13. 1 Pier 1 Imports Cranberry Balsam Filled Candle
14. 1 Pier 1 Imports Silver Snow Sizzlewick Candle
15. 1 Pier 1 Imports Sugared Cinnamon Candle
Any combination, not to exceed $75.00. Although I would be really happy with a long back rub! :) Also, if Santa wants to give me the gift of the Philadelphia Eagles making it to the Super Bowl, I would be VERY happy!
Mood: Happy
~Me :)
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