"How beautifully leaves grow old. How full of light and color are their last days."
~ John Burroughs

My camera is by my side... always! There is at nearly every moment of the day, a camera within my reach. On my desk. In my purse. In the glove compartment of my car. Why? Will simply put... I am obsessed! I love looking at life through the lens, and at this time of year, I am in a world all my own. Every single tree, alive with the last of the pinks, and bright yellows, and muted purples... even the dry browns of autumn, bring a warmth to me that doesn't exist the rest of the year. I am never happier, than during these 3 autumn months. I love the warm days, and crisp nights. The morning fog. The quiet. It all comes together to give me an inner strength that I wish I had the rest of the year.

Yesterday, when I saw that my rose garden had burst into color, I couldn't have been happier! My Japanese maple has begun to lose it's dry Cabernet leaves, but the roses, with their amazing purple/mauve color seem to bring out the contrasting beauty just perfectly. The pear tree produced it's fruit over the summer, but it's leaves are turning and it makes me smile thinking about the fruit it will bear next year! As sad as I am that these colors, and scents won't last a whole lot longer, I am not thinking about when it will be gone, I am too happy enjoying the colors. With a little luck, we will have a nice variety of colorful leaves, and roses right from the garden adorning the table for Thanksgiving!

If you enjoy autumn as much as I do, and are posting your own love of leaves and the time of harvest, please feel free to leave me your link in the comment thread. I will be happy to come by and see your post!
Bliss. :)
Mood: Happy
~Me :)

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