"Imagine you saw a color in your dream, which you have never seen before. It doesn't consist of any colors or shades that you know. Trying to describe that color would be as difficult as trying to believe that there is enough love and compassion in the world so every human can feel happiness."
~Egor Kraft
Street Art And Murals Of Haight Ashbury (Part One)
The Pink Bunny Endures!

The Haight/Ashbury neighborhood of San Francisco is basically two intersecting blocks, but the long block of Haight street, and all the surrounding streets provide even the most casual observer a kaleidoscope of creative beauty, from the funky little independent shops, to the amazing street art, there is just nothing like it! I absolutely love the diversity of San Francisco, and the feeling that as one moves from neighborhood to neighborhood, there is a distinct difference and feel to take in. As an amateur photographer, and public art enthusiast, it is always exciting to me to pack up the cameras and head over to the city to explore each neighborhood's expression of life. The Haight is definitely one of my favorite places in San Francisco to spend time and take in the colors of the little world that is their neighborhood.
The funny little pink bunny with the skull in his mouth has had quite a time since the artist, Jeremy Fish installed him, as a gift to the neighborhood, in January of 2011. Vandalism. A fire was started behind the bunny on the platform, you named it, the bunny has endured it. He looks a lot different now, then he did when he was first debuted, but I kinda like the look now. He's a even more edgier than before, not that he needed any changing, but I do appreciate the change from a esthetic point of view. Its like seeing him take a on a new great adventure, without his having to leave home. I like the smile it brings to my face to see him live on, despite having suffered some of life's pain. Does that make sense? Anyway, I am loving this bunny, and that's the whole point of art... right? To inspire not just thought, but emotion as well.
Read More About The Art And The Artist Here...
Lower Haight Mural Gets A Giant Jeremy Fish Statue
(Haighteration The Lower Haight Blog)
Skeletal Rabbit Statues
(Trend Hunter Art And Design)
Know Your Street Art: Untitled Bunnies, Corner Of Haight And Laguna
(SF Weekly)
Jeremy Fish Installs A Silly Pink Bunny Statue In Lower Haight
Part 2 of this series comes tomorrow, and I hope to bring you more before the end of the summer! I haven't photographed nearly enough street art!
Stay Tuned!
Mood: Happy
~Me :)
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