"Go spend time with the aspen trees. They'll tell you how it works. They'll tell you to look to your roots for energy. They'll tell you there's warmth below the surface."
~Kaya McLaren, How I Came To Sparkle Again
This photo is obviously from my archives, but hasn't been posted before. I hadn't posted it because it was a little blurry, but I was looking at it the other day and for whatever reason I just kind of felt warm inside when I viewed it. It's been a long time since we have visited Cisco Grove, but maybe we can remedy that! We found this stop one autumn day, while on our way to Reno, Nevada. It's about a 3 1/2 hour drive from our house to Reno, and this stop sits, tucked off from the road, a little more than half way through our journey. It's one of the prettiest places along the route to stretch your legs and take in the natural beauty... no matter what time of year, but I bet you can guess when I enjoy it the most! That's right! Autumn! The Aspen trees are nothing short of breathtaking! Alan usually has to pull me away when it's time to leave because I could literally sit all day and just watch the bright yellow leaves fall slowly silently to the earth. I think I might be longing for autumn this year more than in any other year in the last decade! I wish it would hurry up come! LOL.
Cisco Grove Aspens In Previous Years...

1 comment:
Okay, biw I have a better idea what an Aspen looks like. I had it toally wrong, based on the Aspen Point Scenic Lookout on Mount Lemmon, which is mostly evergreens! Gorgeous colors here!
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