"Can words describe the fragrance of the very breath of spring?"
~Neltje Blanchan
By the time you read this, it will be spring! We in the Bay Area are experiencing some rain, and frankly it thrills me to have the first day of spring be all about the dark and gloomy! But if I am telling the truth, I love the way the sun looks when it is shining on a newly opened spring blossom. It makes me smile inside and out. And throw in a wonderful bumble or a honey bee and I am an at my happiest!
The Huffington Post has asked it's readers, "Why Do We Love Spring?" You already know why I love spring, I love spring because of the sheer joy of color! COLOR, COLOR, COLOR! And when I found that gorgeous autumn tree, next to the tree with the brand new blossoms, I got out my camera and spent the day photographing the magic of earth tones and pastels. But I admit, I also love a few other things about spring...
Warmer temperatures in the early morning, when everything still has a glisten to it.
Baby birds... everywhere!
Transitioning to my lighter sweaters.
Beginning my rose garden, and planning for summer vegetables.
The way the sun shines through the window on Dylan, when he is sleeping on the bed.
The first meals we get to eat outside in the garden.
But most of all, it's all about the color...

Why don't you go over to the Huffington Post and share why you love spring! You can also share on Twitter, with the hashtag (#LoveSpring).
Mood: Happy
~Me :)
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