"I love seeing other channels counter program the Super Bowl. PBS: "DAMN RIGHT we're airing a new 'Masterpiece Classic'! Fuck off, sports!"
~Tara Ariano
Yep, San Francisco is definitely going to be RED and GOLD another two weeks! San Francisco 49ers will meet the Baltimore Ravens in New Orleans for Super Bowl XLVII. As you might have already guessed, I will be rooting for the 49ers, but even Las Vegas has them winning by 5, or 4.5 depending on who you ask.
I don't know, I have to admit the 49ers did have me a bit worried last Sunday when they played the Atlanta Falcons. The first quarter was unreal, as the team seemed to have no real defense, but by the time they came back from half-time, they had corrected whatever short circuit that was going on, and came back to win by 4 ending with a score of 28 - 24.
Oh well, stuff happens... right? We won't dwell on the mistakes of last Sunday, or the god awful record Akers has as a place kicker, or the nasty little accusation against Michael Crabtree. There's NO crying in football! On February 3rd, the only thing I will be thinking about is whether or not we have enough munchies for the game. I think I will do an special menu of football worthy nibbles.
We'll see.
Stay tuned!
But in the mean time, tell me, who do you like in this year's Super Bowl?
Is Las Vegas right with their projected point spread?
Buffalo Wings or BBQ Sliders?
Har-Bowl or Bro-Bowl?
Red & Gold or Purple & Gold
Jim or John?
Tell Me Everything!
~Me :)
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