-T. Guillemets
See... it is possible to teach Yoga to your cat! LOL. I taught Elvis, and he would join me on the yoga mat a couple times a week. He really did! LOL. So I am teaching Dylan and Hendrix to find their inner zen. Stretch Dylan... Stretch Hendrix. Breathe in... breathe out. Breathe in... breathe out.
By the way, they are both home from Dr. B's. They are better then just fine, they are fantastic! All that worrying was for nothing, they aren't in pain, they don't hate me, in fact, they slept in the bed with Alan and I last night, and it was bliss! I love my babies so much, it's not even reasonable! Happiness! New mousies all around!
I don't even mind admitting to Dr B. that he was right... YET AGAIN! :)
Thanks Dr. B., Mary & Donna...you're the best!
"Cat Yoga"
March 12th, 2009
The title had me popping over to see what was happening. :-) I think my Jett has the kitty yoga down pretty good. He might need to teach me a trick or two.
Glad your happy kitties are home and feeling good. I take it they were declawed or neutered? ALL they really know is that you LOVE them!
Oh, cute! I'm glad your babies are all settled in and happy to be at home with you.
Congratulations on being wrong again! I'm always stressing over the littlest thing with Princess, and her oncologistvet always says to mellow out, shes doing as well as can be expected, and I'm always glad to hear I'm wrong about my mammaworries.
I wish I was as flexible as your kitty, though!
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