-Emily Bronte
This Photo Shoot Is Now Closed! :)
Autumn begins today, at 8:44 AM Pacific time, let's show it a good time, shall we?
EMPS #4: Welcome To Autumn!
I love autumn, simply love it, so, lets have a little fun with the earliest moments and days of my favorite season. Grab your cameras, and treat me to what the first few days of autumn look like in your neighborhood. The leaves, the sky, the autumn light, folks wearing sweaters, or still enjoying picnics outside among the falling leaves. If you customarily have warm autumns... show me that! If you are beginning to feel the chill... then show me that! In other words... show me what signs of autumn you are seeing this week in particular!
**You don't have to post your EMPS entry only on Monday! As always, you have until the following Sunday evening, at 9:00 PM Eastern time to submit an entry.
**After you post your entry, comeback here and leave me the complete link. Not a general link to your blog or journal. Please check your link carefully.
Linking List For EMPS #3: Cheese Please! 9/15/2008
Karen, shares a Monty Python cheese shop sketch, and her puppies bark "YES" to BabyBel Cheese!
Wammy, and her family, love cheese. In fact, they recently took some cheese along on a family adventure. Read all about it here.
Martha makes four different kinds of pizza, all delicious looking, and all featuring cheese. YUM!
Thanks everyone!
Ok, you know what to do! GO BE PHOTOGRAPHERS, and GO GET THE PICTURE! See you back here in one week, with your links, and a brand new EMPS assignment!
Photo Tip #4: Use The Sun.
Photograph your subjects with the sun to your back, so that the full light illuminates your subject, and you avoid washing out the picture with too much direct light.
Thanks for inviting me. I would love to join but would have to sit out this round as the Philippines only has two seasons: wet and dry.
Will eagerly await the coming rounds.
no autumn here in singapore too...:(
but looking forward to seeing what the others post.
I'm glad that Autumn is finally here this year. I don't like the feeling of time going by so quickly...but couldn't take any more of the hot humid days. Lovin' the yellow leaf :) xo Phin
First day of Tucson's autumn: sunset, 6:20 PM. Late afternoon temperature: 95 degrees. Leaves: green.
Its not quite fall here yet, so I can't get much in the way of new fall color pictures. However, I do have some in my archives that will work out just fine.
Here's mine;
Hi Carly, Thanks for the invite!
Here is mine
Hope I did it right!!:)
it's hard to capture fall when it is still 90 freaking degrees outside but i did try.
Here you go -- first fall at the new house.
Here's mine...also my first fall in the new home! More to come as the season progresses.
My Monday shoot is finally up...
I also want to apologize to everyone for the weeks I've played along but haven't been able to visit other's entries, been some busy times lately! I will try to make the rounds more often :-)
Finally..Autumn...sweatshirt weather and campfire nights!
I got something posted...not much but it is there.
The Ellis Family Cincinnati
Although we in SoCal, are bereft of obvious seasonal changes, I did find one. Thank goodness your deadline is Sunday!
The Eclectic Granny
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