"For every evil under the sun, there is a remedy or there is none. If there be one, seek till you find it. If there be none, then never mind it."
-Mother Goose
Weekend Assignment #183: Make up a poll for people to play with. The poll can be on any subject you want - it can be serious or funny or silly, or whatever (although funny's always, you know. Funny). If you're not on AOL Journals, or for some reasons you don't want to use AOL's poll function, there are other poll options for your blog; here's one, for example.
Extra Credit: Have you ever participated in a political poll?
-John Scalzi (By The Way)
Last Wednesday, while I was at the Botanic Garden in Tilden Park, I found this amazing spider stretched across two limbs of a blackberry bush. It was too pretty to pass up. The spider was about the size of a half dollar, and paid no attention to me, as I labored over the photo. First trying to decide just how close I wanted to get to it, and then finding the focus and lighting. It took me about 20 minutes or so to finally get things lined up properly, and all the while I had Carly Simon's song "Itsy Bitsy Spider" running through my head. The song, of course, was based on the nursery rhyme, "Itsy Bitsy Spider" so, I thought it might be kind of fun to keep things on a playful note, and ask you in a poll, to vote for your favorite nursery rhyme. :) And oh by the way, there is a new monthly poll on my sidebar, devoted to Autumn, which begins next week! Be sure to click the link below, to see the results of last month's poll.
Extra Credit: Yes, I participate in political polls all the time! :)
What Is Your Main Complaint About Other Drivers?
"Miss Spider"
Tilden Park
Berkeley, California
September 12th, 2007
Late Afternoon
Although I should note that my stepsister, the trauma surgeon, is nicknames for Little Rabbit Foo Foo, that's not what I chose.
I chose the old lady in the shoe because she beats her children.
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