-Rodney Dangerfield
Your Monday Photo Shoot: Take a shot of something unusual on the street where you live. The challenge? It can't be of something of yours. Which means, you'll have to, you know, walk down the street a bit. The definition of "unusual" I leave to you. My only suggestion is that it should be in public view, unless you can convince a neighbor to let you in their house and take photographs of the freakish stuff they have there. And if you can, well, Good on you.
-John Scalzi (By The Way)
I love getting out with the camera, but I have to admit, I felt a bit uncomfortable with showing my street specifically. I don't know, it just feels a little too private for me, because of where I live in the hills. So, I did a bit of a drive in the general neighborhood, and came up with a nice view of San Francisco, from high atop Grizzly Peak. It's a nice view, and just as pretty in the day, as it is at night. But the real photographic find, was of the poor discarded bouncy ball, with a pumpkin face painted on it. :) Now I ask, who could throw away something as adorable as that? I love pumpkins. LOL. I had an overwhelming urge to retrieve him from the dumpster, it seems like such a shame that he was given up on, especially with Halloween just around the corner. Oh well, maybe his owner will have a change of heart and go get him. Poor little fella. :( Blogfather, I hope it was ok that I did a slightly broader interpretation of the photo shoot. :)
"The greatest treasures are those invisible to the eye, but found by the heart."
" Poor Discarded Punky"
Berkeley, California
July, 25, 2007
1 comment:
I love the view of SF....bet it is beautiful at night!
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