Weekend Assignment #151: Is Valentine's Day a genuinely romantic day? Or just a big commercial money pit into which romantic people fall? Go on, share how you really feel about the day - whether you enjoy it or feel like it's forced on you by greeting card companies, or fall somewhere in between those two poles.
Extra Credit: Suggest a nice romantic movie.
-John Scalzi (By The Way)
Valentine's Day you say! Well, for a holiday, it can certainly have it's moments. Fun? Yes. Romantic? Yes. Complicated? Oh my...YES! There are more rules to that one holiday, then all the rest put together. At least during the holidays in December, you can give either individual or group cards. If you are unsure what to wish someone, you can always wish them "Happy Holidays." When it comes to Valentine's Day, if you wish the wrong person a Happy Valentine's Day, you never know if their psycho other half might hunt you down in a mad fit of jealousy! LOL.
All kidding aside, I think it's a fun holiday. You don't have to allow commercialism to lead you around, no matter what holiday you are facing on a calendar. Life...and love...are what you make of them. Some of my favorite Valentine's Days were spent with Alan, doing very little, but enjoying each other. Then there was the one where he made dinner for me, after I had worked a very long day at the flower shop, making flower arrangements for other ladies. By the time I was done working that day, I didn't want to ever see another rose! I came home so tired, all I wanted to do was drown in a bubble bath. Alan had anticipated what I needed and a bath was ready for me when I came through the door. Not to drown in mind you, but one to soak away the long day I had just had. While I was soaking my poor, tired muscles, he was preparing one of his famous gourmet dinners. There is nothing like having your needs anticipated and then met... any day of the year!
Days on a calendar are what we decide to make of them. Go have fun. Life is too short to worry about the negativity that can be found in anything and everything. If you happen to be alone on Valentine's Day... use it as a day to take care of yourself. Indulge. Eat something sinful. Be bad. Smile at a stranger. Flirt with a friend. Buy yourself something expensive, you don't need. When I was alone, I did all of the above, and you know what? It was fun!
Extra Credit: I really enjoyed the movie, "Simply Irresistible," which stars, Sarah Michelle Geller, and Sean Patrick Flanery. Visually stunning, and absolutely BEWITCHING! Great soundtrack as well.
"True Love" By Kim Anderson
Valentine's Day is the anniversary of mine and Karen's first "real date," so I'm under a little pressure there from year to year anyway! lol! Fortunately, she's not the type of girl that always wants expensive stuff...she just wants my time, which I'm more than happy to give up...with perhaps one expensive item or so...hope your V-Day is blessed, Carly!
Most scheduled holidays (especially those that involve gift giving angst) don't do much for me.
I think the value of a valentine's expression lies in the sincerity behind it.
So....for you and Alan....I'm sure that valentine's day is VERY sweet and sentimental.
Have a wonderful valentine's day Carly!
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