-Francis C. Farley
Ok, so the Kristi Yamaguchi Holiday Ice Rink, at Justin Herman Plaza, on the Embarcadero, is not nearly as big as the ice arena at Rockefeller Center in Manhattan, but it does a big job making folks around here happy. :) I have always wanted to see New York City, during the holidays, starting with the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade. In fact, I have a whole day planned out in my dreams. I guess I do my share of daydreaming about this or that... or who. LOL. I want to stand near Macy's to watch the parade, then take a long walk through Central Park, then have lunch at the Carnegie Deli, take a long, delicious nap, then finish the day by going to Rockefeller Center to watch the ice skaters. It would be nice if a nice soft snow could be falling, but one can't have it all! LOL.
San Francisco is wonderful right now... simply beautiful. Golden Gate Park is bigger then Central Park, and there is plenty to do and see. While it's not the Carnegie Deli, Tony's Cable Car restaurant does have some of the best hamburgers in the city. And the milk shakes are too yummy for words. I love going to San Francisco to look for adventures, relax, and feel inspired, and to seek out the amazing public art, such as "The Tulip" you see in the background. That is a 3-story concrete sculpture with lights, by John C. Portman. Isn't it amazing?
As much as I enjoy my fantasy about seeing, and experiencing, New York City one day, I am pretty happy with what San Francisco has to offer. I may never meet Woody Allen here, but Gavin Newsome could be kinda fun to meet at an ice rink. Damn that man is gorgeous! :)
Golden Gate Park
San Francisco Neighborhood Guide
Rockefeller Center Ice Arena
Kristi Yamaguchi Holiday Ice Rink
Kristi Yamaguchi Ice Rink
Justin Herman Plaza
San Francisco, California
December 10th, 2006
Early Evening
Yes, it does look like San Francisco is just lovely this time of year.
Just popping in to wish you the absolute best holiday ever!
Hugs to you and kisses for Elvis. :-)
I'm here Carly!! I've just been ultra busy. I'm not even supposed to be here. I'm supposed to be on the road to Texas but I can't until I have certain things done at work so...I'm here.
Have a Happy Holiday!!!
P.S. I saw Rockefeller Center's rink and it ain't all that. It was actually much smaller looking in person. Also, there were only two little girls on it while their mothers in long fur coats watched from the side. I think they rented it out for them to skate but all they did was goof off and look bored. Very unimpressive.
Yup Carly, I do agree that they make "our" rink look a whole lot bigger. It is exciting in its own right though...but you wouldnt' believe the price of some hot cocoa just to sit inside a restaurant and watch!
I do hope you get to NYC someday though...
thanks for the post about san francisco ice rinks. i googled rockefeller center SF but its site didn't come up. i found yours instead and got the link...thanks!
At least you have outdoor ice skating. That would be impossible here. Me, I'd like to visit Cleveland at Christmas. I that wrong?
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