-Dr. Seuss
Weekend Assignment #143: Imagine you are a kid today, age 10 or under. What would you want for Christmas/Hanukkah/Seasonal Holiday of Your Preference? Don't look back on the toys of your youth, now - think about what kids have NOW that you would want if you were their age. Also, if you're a parent, don't ask your kids what they want, this is supposed to be about what you would want. If you were their age. I love my daughter, but I guarantee you, there are things she wants that if I were a kid her age I wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole.
Extra Credit: Do you kinda want the same toy now that you're an adult? Come on, you can admit it if you do.
-John Scalzi (By The Way)
Dear Santa Claus
My name is Carly Elizabeth Gordon, I am 10 years old, and have been a very good girl this year, or so I have been told. ;) Here is my list for you, complete with pictures. I promise to have cold milk, and warm cookies waiting for you on Christmas Eve. I know you have a million places to be that night, but I hope you will come by my place for a holiday visit. You like Snickerdoodles with extra cinnamon... right?
Always, Carly
PS Just in case, I will also have a Latte waiting, it's December after all.
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 5 "Anya"Action Figure
Lil Bratz Dolls "Twins"
Bratz Accessories
Calico Critters "Wiskers" Family
Elmo... Any Elmo will do!
FurReal Cuddle Chimp ... I LOVE Monkeys
Quiddler Card Game. I Love this game!
I LOVE opossums
Extra Credit: I want every single thing on this list, especially the stuffed opossum. There's just something about opposable thumbs that intrigues me. :) And ok, I can admit it, the Anya action figure would be cool. She was one of my favorite characters from BTVS. :)
"Leaf Skiing"
Moraga, California
December 11th, 2006
Me likes da monkey!!
I hope you got everything on the list. But Bratz? That one surprises me. Nothing wrong with them, just a surprise. I don't suppose the second twin is, as Anya would put it, a "gift with purchase."
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