-John Muir
Your Monday Photo Shoot: You know what you think is pretty. Show us. It can be a person, a place or a thing, just so long as the primary reaction you (and hopefully others) get from seeing it is, my, that's pretty. It's so simple that your major difficulty, I expect, will be narrowing down the field to one thing.
-John Scalzi
Isn't she lovely? This photo shoot was an easy one, I thought about this beautiful young deer right off. I found her last October, when I was visiting the town of Pacific Grove, California. I went that day, in search of the large clusters of Monarchs that can be seen in the trees, in autumn. I found the butterflies later in the day, and when I was finished photographing them, I decided to visit a small park, I had passed on my way into town. This amazing creature was there, and she was so gentle and sweet. She came right up to the car. No worries. Sigh. What a great day that was!
"So Pretty"
Pacific Grove, California
October, 2006
Late Afternoon
Yes she is lovely!
oh my! she has the most amazing eyes!
great choice! she is beautiful! :)
That second shot blows me away.
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