-W. T. Ellis
Last Wednesday, I decided to take a break from my regular routine of Yoga, Therapy & T'ai Chi, and instead, Alan and I took a long ride to Sacramento, to photograph the holiday decorations at the Governor's Mansion, and in Old Sacramento. It was beautiful there. Cold, but beautiful. It was also a bit damp, and a tad foggy, which is not unexpected for this time of year. With it being the day before Thanksgiving, it wasn't as crowded as it might have been otherwise, which was nice for taking pictures. :)
Lovely Gold Rush era buildings, and wooden streets
A small riverboat, bringing in a supply of Christmas Trees.
Tower Bridge over the Sacramento River.
Choo-Choo trains can be seen at the Railroad Museum.
Workers placing the capitol Christmas tree...
And putting the last holiday touches on the Governor's Mansion.
A gorgeous sunset on the way home. :)
Alan and I have such a good time on this type of day trip. We didn't over plan, and didn't plan to be home at any certain time. It was just a ride to Sacramento to see what we could happen upon. We had a couple of spots in mind, like the Governor's Mansion, but other then that, we just let the day happen. It was a pretty nice way to spend the day before Thanksgiving. :)
I am now off to make some Turkey Enchiladas, tell me, are you still eating Turkey also? What's your favorite way to serve your turkey leftovers?
Sacramento, California
November 22, 2006
Wow! Your pictures are really lovely -- looks like people just moved out of your way to let you take these "perfect" shots! LOL! And that sunset ... whew! Really gorgeous! What a day! I like taking day trips just like that too -- not too much planning - just do it. Good fun!
you can't deny that it wasn't a good day with those pictures! Nice Carly!
oh yeah still eating turkey lol.. today I get to make turkey soup! I love turkey so it doesn't bother me one bit..and i really like turkey soup!
Beautiful shots -- what a nice day for you to have had!
No turkey here, as I went elsewhere for Thanksgiving, but I'm thinking I will get a turkey breast as I really love turkey and I missed not having leftovers. ;-) I've got to put that on my list for Wednesday, providing there isn't snow keeping me from getting out to run my errands!
Beautiful pictures. I LOVE that Governor's mansion!!
That's somewhere else I'll have to visit one day!
Hi ! I have so enjoyed your blog a lot. I especially loved this entry it is wonderful. Being that I am getting quite a lot into the spirit of the holidays I just wanted to come by and thank you for your blog and your sharing it with the world. I also hope you have a very special and memorable Christmas. Take care.
The train is my fave. I'm a sucker for trains, and that's an unusual shot.
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